Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Baxter (Baxter)

Date submitted
28 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Local Impact - the visual impact of the windfarm which will be 2.5 times (3 storeys) the height of Rampion 1 and will be clearly visible from the South Downs National Park. The irreparable damage done to the local environment, nature, animals, nightingale breeding sites and the affect light pollution will have upon the species around the lake. Increased traffic on the A 272- congestion, traffic lights, delays, accidents and access for emergency services which are already impeded on an already busy road. You currently have Automatic Traffic Counters on the road outside of my home which will give validity to my claims. Health effects - noise, already polluted atmosphere due to dust and traffic fumes. These will increase if Rampion 2 plans proceed. Electromagnetic fields due to substation and high voltage cable to Bolney. Increased traffic going through the village to get to the cable which will cause greater congestion and pollution. Traffic in tiny lanes surrounding Cowfold, including Kent Street, Picts Lane and Dragons Lane. Use of local country lanes to avoid increased traffic which could lead to increased accidents on a road that has already had over 50 accidents in the last 5 years. Adverse effect increased traffic and congestion will have upon 130 local businesses and the local population's ability to get to and from their place of work.