Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Richard Jonathan Clifford

Date submitted
2 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very angry that the planning process has got this far. There was no consultation and I actually heard about the project from my daughter who lives about 5 miles from here. Apart from the aesthetics and health risks of living opposite this proposal there is the added destruction of hedges, trees and wild life and moreover the chaos that will be caused by Plant traffic for years to come on an already congested A272. the jams and tailbacks are a daily occurrence at the moment without adding site traffic lights and HGVs. Kent street has strict width access (with signage at both ends) and the council have used this to stop planning applications for change of use for weddings etc and they were refused on the grounds that the road wasn't wide enough for extra traffic and now here we have Rampion changing the rules and suddenly any vehicle,any width they choose can access the road. Apart from these points the whole project will impact my business and clients will not be able to visit, my staff will always be late and not be able to go back and forth to the Oakendene Industrial Estate where my company is run from and also on a selfish level my home will depreciate in value being opposite this eyesore. Why can this substation not be built next to Rampion 1? All of the offshore cables go there already and environmentally the damage there has already been done