Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Valerie Swaffer

Date submitted
4 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am totally against the proposal of the windfarm with power coming ashore and destroying large areas of habitat on the downs and along the route to Rampions proposed substation at Cowfold. We had no or inadequate consultation in Cowfold even though we would be hugely impacted by the substation. The A272 is already a busy main traffic route with many accidents and the building of Rampion 2 will cause huge congestion with traffic lights, and delays which will badly affect the130 businesses in this area. I am concerned that emergency vehicles will be delayed as it is only two lanes wide and the air quality in Cowfold is already not good. Rampion 2 is huge, the visual impact, light pollution as well as the electromagnetic field it will produce is also a problem. I am also concerned about loss of habitat at Oakendene and Cowfold Stream, it will have a huge impact on the very rare Nightingales who breed in the area, wildlife corridors will be disrupted and destroyed by both the cable route and substation. The destruction of the many hedges and ancient trees will be sheer vandalism as these cannot be replaced in a lifetime, the immature saplings that are supposed to replace them will not attract wildlife and that is assuming they survive. I live in a single track lane and already it gets grid locked when there is a delay on A272 or A281 as do all the lanes as drivers try to get round the holdup. This will make it impossible to even go for a walk with so many vehicles. There are many people who rely on the A272 and A281 to get to work and business but if this project goes ahead they will be affected for at least 4 years which I believe will have a great impact on the economy of the area. I don't see why the cable couldn't be put on the sea bed to a more suitable location such as Shoreham harbour