Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Matthew Davies

Date submitted
14 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the proposals. Impacts on Human Health from the construction of the Oakendene substation: I agree with the views expressed by CowfoldvRampion, our community action group. The impacts on human health have not been properly assessed by the applicant. They have concentrated on the effects of the substation construction on the site itself, and to some extent the cable route, and even then, they have not included some of the properties most impacted, nor considered the outdoor existence of many people in rural communities such as this. CowfoldvRampion will argue that the impact of the traffic on noise pollution and air quality has not been adequately assessed by the applicant, partly because they have not understood the traffic movements or existing levels of congestion and noise on the A272. Rampion also downplay the impact of the construction Traffic on the AQMA in Cowfold, possibly for the same reason. Stress from the traffic delays, noise, and residential visual and other amenities for several years, will have a significant detrimental effect on the health of many residents. Access to healthcare for the many ageing people in the vicinity of the substation site is also a source of concern. Most of these impacts would be far less at the alternative Wineham Lane site as the traffic is not affected in the same way. I would like to see Health and Social impacts taken forward as part of a Principal Issue in the Examination and ask that you please allow local knowledge testimony on this subject at the hearings. I would also like to request a site visit to Oakendene and a topic-specific hearing at the Village Hall in Cowfold to properly examine the consequences of the proposed substation and it impact on Cowfold, its community, businesses and environment.