Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Connie Davies

Date submitted
14 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the proposals. Economic impact of the Substation at Oakendene I agree with the views expressed by CowfoldvRampion, our community action group, and support the evidence they will provide in Written Representations and verbally at hearings . They will argue that Rampion have significantly downplayed, or indeed hardly considered the economic impact of the construction traffic in this area on the economy of Cowfold and wider community. Neither have they weighed this in the balance when choosing the site. Rather, they have focussed on the largely tourist economy of the South Downs and Coastal areas. There are 130 businesses in Cowfold which could be negatively affected by the additional congestion, loss of business, delayed deliveries, and diversions using adjacent lanes. From a wider perspective, over 18,500 road users would be severely inconvenienced by sitting in unnecessary queues as they approach the village of Cowfold every day. The loss of productivity, delays in receiving supplies and loss of business, as people are put off from visiting as a result of the traffic congestion, could be catastrophic. The Oakendene industrial estate is a significant provider of rural employment in this area, yet it faces extinction as a result of the traffic delays and construction compounds required to be navigated in order to access it. The CowfoldvRampion community action group will give evidence at Examination to show that the economic impacts, which will result from the choice of this substation site, would be far more serious than at the alternative locations. I would like to see the Economic Impacts of this proposal taken forward as part of a Principal Issue in the Examination and ask that you please allow local knowledge testimony on this subject at the hearings. I would also like to request a site visit to Oakendene and a topic-specific hearing at the Village Hall in Cowfold to properly examine the consequences of the proposed substation and it impact on Cowfold, its community, businesses and environment