Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Penelope Hopkins

Date submitted
16 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the proposals. Impact on Kent Street Cowfold: I agree with the views expressed by CowfoldvRampion, our community action group. During the informal consultation and the first round consultation, Kent Street was recognised as ‘ a single track lane unsuitable for HGVs’, And in July 2021, James d’Alessandro wrote to a resident who was concerned about the use of Kent Street by construction traffic: “In January 2021, the Council responded to the Rampion 2 informal consultation process to the effect that Kent Street is not deemed appropriate for temporary construction access...” . Yet now we discover that Kent Street is expected to bear the significant burden of avoiding the AQMA in Cowfold and will be a major route for LGVs accessing the cable routes to the A281 and to Wineham Lane, and will also have a significant number of HGVs It is a single-track lane with a 6’6” width restriction. It certainly indicates that it was never the intention to use this lane for large vehicles in any number. This was indeed the opinion of Horsham District council some years ago when an application for a Wedding Venue was made at a property on Kent Street. The access was deemed to be so unsuitable that the application was turned down. The level of an anticipated 10 percent increase, 1-3 times a week of private vehicles was felt to be too great. There has been no traffic Impact assessment on Kent Street although there has been for Wineham Lane and it was used to argue against its use. The impact on Kent Street will be far worse, yet is has not been taken into account. Visually, the feel of this quiet lane will be utterly changed, both by the substation, which they admit will be very visible, and the removal of hedges, some classed as Important, to access the cable route and haul roads. Rampion have downplayed the impacts and the importance of this lane and the local footpaths as an amenity enjoyed by walkers, runners and people on horses. CowfoldvRampion will provide evidence to show how the ancient character of this lane, its hedgerows and its landscape support a range of habitats and red list species which ought to be protected, not destroyed. The cable route, the haul road and the high number of large vehicles in the lanes and fields will destroy their habitats and protective corridors CowfoldvRampion will argue that the Applicant has so materially changed these plans as to require another consultation. They cannot possibly have understood the implications for Kent Street and the impact of avoiding the AQMA when they looked at the 'evidence' and decided Oakendene was the most suitable choice I would like to see Traffic Impacts taken forward as part of a Principal Issue in the Examination and ask that you please allow local knowledge testimony on this subject at the hearings. I would also like to request a site visit to Oakendene and a topic-specific hearing at the Village Hall in Cowfold to properly examine the consequences of the proposed substation and it impact on Cowfold, its community, businesses and environment.