Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Richard Napier Luce

Date submitted
25 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. Dragon’s Lane: This is a private unmade up lane with six houses. Rampion propose to use it for ‘operational access’ only. We have had assurances that there is no intention of using HGVs which would destroy the lane and make our lives intolerable. We need to be assured that ‘operational access’ means only very occasional use and with light vehicles. A proposed storage facility adjacent to Cratemans Farm must not provide an excuse for regular use of the lane. 2. Dragon's Lane - motives for purchasing two small strips of land. Rampion have given notice that they propose to earmark two very small strips of land adjacent to two ponds in Dragon's Lane, on the grounds that they are not legally owned by anyone. That in itself needs clarifying. It is essential to know the exact purpose for purchasing this land, assuming it is genuinely not registered for ownership. I asked for an explanation by telephone from Rampion, was assured of a reply within 24 hours and heard nothing. This creates mistrust and the motives must be clarified. 3. Protecting environment, landscape and nature: Several years ago the Chair of the former Countryside Commission (the late Sir John Johnson) walked with me down Dragon’s Lane and along the public footpaths across Cowfold stream. He told me that he was staggered to find an area of pure countryside with such flourishing of nature, birds, trees, water and hedgerows. He was deeply impressed that this was still possible only 40 miles from London. There is no doubt that the proposed Rampion route would do irreparable damage to birdlife, (eg Nightingales, Turtle Doves, moths and butterflies) and the destruction of hedgerows, trees and pastures (unaffected by chemicals) on the Cratemans Farm. Once destroyed, it can never be quite the same again. In addition, to close public footpaths on Cratemans Farm will prevent the public from enjoying this special environment during the cable line construction. 4. A272 traffic east of Cowfold and Oakendene estate: Cowfold already faces severe traffic pollution. The plans for a sub-station on the Oakendene estate will cause immense additional problems of delays, noise and pollution in Cowfold and on the A272 – a road which is used by all who live in Cowfold parish. 5. A better route: The present proposals mean a longer route and additional spoiliation of the countryside by not sharing the Rampion One route and going direct to Wineham for the sub-station. This means further unnecessary damage to the environment. 6. Density of population in the south and need to preserve precious countryside: We are one of the most densely populated countries in Europe compared to Germany and France. In taking important measures on climate change, we can no longer afford to do this at the expense of the preservation of the countryside which is valued in all rural areas and by many living in cities and towns. The planning process needs to carry out the most rigorous examination of the proposals to ensure the least possible damage to valuable and ever declining countryside.