Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Nicholas Maslin

Date submitted
26 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Too close to the land, having a detrimental effect on tourism, marine leisure activities, wildlife and fishing. The land link will destroy a large area of the South Downs National Park, for decades to come, more likely, never to recover fully. There are far better places to site this windfarm in the North Sea, where the wind is more constant and stronger, allowing the turbines to be upwards of 25% more efficient, providing far greater power to the national grid, with far greater consistency. Government money is going in to support this project; our money! The government is legally and morally obliged to ensure that our money is well spent, getting the best 'bang for our buck' and not allowing foreign power companies to reap huge rewards by placing windfarms in shallow water, where it is simply the cheapest option guaranteeing them the largest profits, leaving the British tax payer with an inefficient, economic and environmentally damaging outcome for decades to come. I am in favour of spending our taxes on renewable energy, but correctly sited to provide the us all with as much benefit as possible, not lining the pockets of foreign power companies, who have zero long term interest in our local economy or environment.