Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Elizabeth Anne Leggett

Date submitted
27 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the proposals. I agree with the views expressed by CowfoldvRampion , our community action group, and support the evidence they will provide. Traffic and Pollution in Cowfold Traffic in Cowfold is a big concern for the residents of, not only the A272 and the quiet country lanes around the substation site, but for the whole village and the far wider community who use this road on a daily basis. CowfoldvRampion do not agree with Rampion’s methodology for assessing the impact, and believe they have significantly downplayed the impacts on congestion, pollution and accident rates. They have not properly understood the way the mini roundabouts in Cowfold alter the flow of traffic, or why looking at only percentage increases in traffic numbers is too simplistic an approach. Cowfold will provide evidence, both based on local knowledge testimony, and scientific evidence, of the more likely true effect of the proposed vehicle movements. The traffic movements will affect the AQMA in Cowfold to a far greater extent than they suggest. The impact on the tiny lanes of Kent Street and Moatfield lane will create an unacceptable level of misery for the residents for the duration of the construction, and also for those on Picts Lane and Bulls Lane to the north. The economic effects of the traffic movements and congestion have also been underestimated. No Traffic Impact Assessment has been carried out for Kent Street. This is not acceptable, given the extent to which it will be used, and the fact that the impact assessment on other lanes such as Wineham Lane was used to exclude the Wineham Lane substation sites from consideration. The recent incident which involved the A272 between Picts Lane & Wineham Lane resulted in the A272 being closed for a day. This resulted in confrontations, vehicle stuck in ditches and hours lost by people some of which no doubt would have been travelling to Gatwick Airport. CowfoldvRampion will give evidence at Examination that Rampion have failed to adequately consider or have played down, both the health and social impacts of this, or to consider the alternatives. Wineham Lane was widened in the 1960s for the construction of the main substation site. No concerns were raised in the relevant representations for Rampion 1 regarding traffic on A272 at the Wineham Lane turning. I would like to see Traffic taken forward as part of a Principal Issue in the Examination and ask that you allow local knowledge testimony on this subject at the hearings. I would also like to request a site visit to Oakendene and a topic-specific hearing at the Village Hall in Cowfold to properly examine the consequences of the proposed substation and to why the proposed cable route was selected when a direct route would have alleviated the necessity of the Oakendean site being planned at all. All this and its impact on Cowfold, its community, businesses and environment