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Representation by (

Date submitted
27 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Relevant to EN-1,Section 1.1.4, [REDACTED] (PCS) will offer argument and evidence that the local impacts of Rampion 2 would result in “adverse impacts from the development outweigh benefits” . It is considered that the Applicant was dismissive of many concerns raised by Statutory Bodies and Communities during the consultation period, and which were reported to PINS thereafter in the subsequent AoC submissions An overarching objective of the UK Planning System (NPPF and EN-1,section 2.6.1 through 2.6.4)is for the achievement of sustainable development and PCS will provide argument that this will not be the case with Rampion 2 Following the protocol and structure for Local Impact Reports as per Advice Note one in the National Infrastructure Planning guide, , PCS is undertaking the preparation of a Local Impact Report (LIR) by our members , all of whom live in West Sussex . This will offer well researched evidence based views on the local impacts and their significance in the eyes of many residents and community organisations who would be obliged to essentially “host” the project. This will: Ensure a local based impact analysis will balance what the Applicant and external consultants engaged by Councils may see and attempt to portray as views shared by the population at large Argue with evidence that the socio-economic and environmental impacts have been significantly understated in the application. Challenge selected impact assessment methodologies in the Application showing that many are dated, flawed and lead to misleading analysis and assertions The main registration comment and request therefore is that serious consideration of local evidence-based perspectives of the adverse impacts of Rampion 2 should be taken forward as Principal Issues in the examination, along with topic specific hearings. PCS (representatives/spokepersons) would like to attend the Preliminary Meeting to speak on this matter and to subsequently attend and make an oral presentation at topic specific Hearings convened to consider local impacts. If possible, PCS would prefer any local Impacts to be held in Littlehampton or Bognor Regis to allow attendance by IPs in those areas. PCS will make its LIR broadly available in the preliminary and final version to District and County Councils to be taken into account in the preparation of their own LIRs, as this task will probably be subcontracted to outside consultants possibly based outside the County. Additionally, PCS will share its LIR work with the representatives of Parish and Town Councils on the Applicant’s Community Liaison Groups as most of the interaction with the Applicant was virtual and therefore limited, especially on the offshore components of the proposed project.