Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Isabella Russell-Smith

Date submitted
29 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the proposals. I agree with the views expressed by CowfoldvRampion, our community action group, and support the evidence they will provide in Written Representations and verbally at hearings if they are allowed to speak. Ecological Impact They will provide evidence that the ecological, economic and social impacts of the proposals have been significantly downplayed or ignored by the Applicant. NPS EN-3 section 3.8.16: “where development affecting irreplaceable habitats requires the benefits (including need) to clearly outweigh the harm.” The area of the northern end of the cable route approach and exit form Oakendene are just such irreplaceable habitats and the risks do not justify the benefits, as reasonable alternative locations exist. EN-1 section 5.4.2 recognises the importance of the government’s policy for biodiversity as set out in the Environmental Improvement Plan, Biodiversity 2020 and the National Pollinator strategy whose aim is to halt biodiversity loss, support healthy well-functioning ecosystems and to establish coherent ecological networks, more resilient and adaptable to climate change effects. CowfoldvRampion’s evidence will show that these proposals are in direct conflict with these aims by the choice of substation location, and, in line with the mitigation hierarchy, (section 5.4.42), cannot be justified as less-damaging options exist. Instead of making wildlife more adaptable to climate change, they in fact reduce its resilience to change by causing irreparable damage to species, habitats and connectivity. They will show that, although the area is undesignated, its habitats and species are of such significance, as we watch the biodiversity decline elsewhere across the nation, that they should be protected, and that alternative, less damaging cable routes and substation sites exist which could provide the necessary infrastructure without significant delay. I would like to see the topic of Ecology taken forward as part of a Principal Issue in the Examination and ask that you please allow local knowledge testimony on this subject at the hearings. I would also like to request a site visit to Oakendene and a topic-specific hearing at the Village Hall in Cowfold to properly examine the consequences of the proposed substation and it impact on Cowfold, its community, businesses and environment.