Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Susie Russell-Smith

Date submitted
29 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the proposals I am genuinely concerned about the way the importance of the ecology at Oakendene and the northern end of the cable route through Cratemans and the Cowfold stream has been side-lined during the consultation. I am extremely concerned about the lack of wildlife data which was available when the substation site was chosen, (the choice being made in secret during lockdown, without proper consultation with the local community, which would not have been possible during the Pandemic.) and that even now, the studies they have published seem to contain many inaccuracies and omissions, which are in stark contrast to my own experiences of what I have seen and heard on walks in the proposed substation development area. I wish to bring to the Examiners' attention that there is a real failure here, which needs to be closely scrutinised during the Examination. In the time available, it will be exceedingly difficult for the wildlife charities to look at it carefully enough; they just don't have the time. We as residents need to highlight and protect this extraordinary habitat, with every effort possible, because once it is lost it will be lost. An example of this is the nightingale nesting sites in the proposed development area. These were disturbed in the past and as a result shrunk significantly, they did not just return when the disturbance ceased. Local residents are trying to do so as much as possible to go through the data, or lack of it and challenge it, but it is an uphill struggle when time has been such an issue in this proposal. Rampion are determined in achieving their development and in my view, such an arrogant manner, only presenting to the immediately affected community what it will look like once it is completed, never truly addressing our concerns. It appears to me that their representations have been made last minute to appease angry residents by experienced PR professionals, In addition to my comments above, I have further concerns since there are still significant planted screening issues remaining with Rampion 1(for whatever reasons), how on earth can we accept Rampion 2.