Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Angela Lightburn

Date submitted
30 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Reference: Draft Development Consent Order (DCO) EN010117 [REDACTED] It has come to my attention via a notice attached to a sign post at the end of Kings Lane that Rampion are proposing the "Acquisition of Rights by the Creation of New Rights or the imposition of Restrictive Covenants over approximately 11 square metres of land being private road and verge (Kings Lane)" I wish to object on the following grounds: 1. This threatens my rights of access to my property because [REDACTED], where I live, is the only means of access that I have to the public highway. 2. I have had access without challenge for 30 years. 3. There has been no direct consultation with me on this issue. 4. There is no explanation of why this measure is required. 5. It effectively creates a ransom strip. 6. There appears to be no reason why Rampion would want to acquire this tiny piece of land other than malicious intent. 7. The Rampion project wants to cut across Kings Lane in two separate places, but several access points for construction traffic have been identified from off Kent Street and therefore access via Kings Lane is unnecessary. 8. This has caused me unnecessary distress and affected my mental well being. 9. The measure proposed is in direct contravention to my human rights. Rampion is a hugely disruptive project involving thousands of people but they would find it a lot less hassle if they engaged directly with those affected, and got them on board, rather than trample all over us with a lack of consultation and legal threats.