Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Mr & Mrs BALL (Mr & Mrs BALL)

Date submitted
30 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We are gravely concerned that the proposals for Rampion 2 are very misleading to the public, as it is described as an' off shore windfarm' when it is actually an INSHORE WINDFARM . We are also worried that Rampion have not adequately considered the traffic impact on the local area if the necessary traffic management on A272 causes delays; many drivers will endeavour to cut through along narrow, 6'6" restricted lanes, such as the one we live on, which is much used by walkers and horse riders and already in poor condition. We have already experienced episodes of this when there is an accident causing delays on the A272 and drivers look for a quicker route, it causes chaos with disorientated drivers, frightened horses, churned up verges and mud tracked onto the road,causing further risks. As residents living within Cowfold parish, we were not made aware of the proposal at all until very recently, other than through publicity from the CowfoldvRampion group. We feel that the impact of the current plan has been grossly underestimated by the ' desktop' calculations of Rampion, especially regarding environmental and potential pollution issues; having lived in the area for many years, the route proposed will destroy some very valuable wildlife habitat and seriously risk pollution to local watercourses, where currently water voles and otters have been identified as being resident. As Rampion 1 over-ran the proposed timeframe by 4.5 years, we are fearful that Rampion 2 , being 30% larger could cause problems locally for a significantly longer period on many levels; the additional HGV traffic flow through Cowfold village being only one of the many ill considered aspects of the project.