Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Anthony Woolfenden

Date submitted
2 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am strongly against the wind farm proposals which I believe will cause major damage to the environment, major disruption to develop, and questionable value and effectiveness. Among my concerns about the proposed wind farm, in brief, are: • it will damage marine life - the kelp regeneration scheme for example, now showing results and important for a healthy environment • it will damage bird life and bird and insect migration, important parts of the natural environment, by creating a major barrier off the coast • it will create a major and disfiguring visual barrier off the coast - I understand these masts will be as high as the Eiffel Tower - Littlehampton needs to continue to rebuild its reputation as an attractive seaside resort for visitors and residents, which will also help the local economy and community life, and this will harm the town • construction will cause great damage to the National Park and, almost as important, the unspoilt countryside north of Littlehampton just outside the Park boundary, with disruption for years and a long recovery period after • it won't be effective in providing power - the present wind farm off Worthing seems often to be inactive • it won't be cost-effective either - the expense will be huge, and I read in today's press of American wind-farm proposals being cancelled due to rising costs. I recognise the need to find new ways to generate power but this scheme is not the answer.