Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Alec Lauder

Date submitted
2 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have occupied [REDACTED] on a seasonal basis since 1996. My family and I have greatly enjoyed the peace and quiet that prevails in the surrounding area as well as the prospect over open fields and I would object to any loss of this valuable amenity. Brookside is unique in the area; it is a small family-owned site with a special character and there is no comparable alternative in this part of West Sussex. I am specifically concerned regarding the proposed temporary access road, pipeline or combination of both on the field directly north of Brookside. The boundary on this side of the site is a hedge and a ditch and this does not provide much screening to the north. According to the plan at present, the proposed access road would be very close to this boundary and this would lead to a loss of privacy as well as giving rise to potential security issues with unknown persons using the access road right by privately owned caravans. My caravan is of lightweight construction and I will suffer considerable noise and disturbance from this proposed development. I understand that the legal operational times of these types of road are 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm on a Saturday – this would be totally disruptive to caravan owners like myself and other holidaymakers who visit the site. I am concerned about the noise every time anything goes over the proposed access road and the dust pollution that it would cause. Your document, Rampion 2 Volume 2, Chapter 22 (22.9.43) states that predicted noise levels would be 85dB at the nearest points (the level here appears to be amongst the highest indicating the proximity and putting predicted noise levels on a par with a diesel truck at 40mph at 50ft (84dB). This would cause significant noise and atmospheric pollution to my caravan. In my view, a more suitable location for an access road could be found further north towards Arundel. However, if the field to the north of Brookside is to be used, then there is a more suitable location for an access road at the far north side of the field where residential house owners have long gardens providing better distance and screening with regard to noise pollution. The A284 is an extremely busy road at certain times of the day, with vehicle queuing, especially when the level crossing gates at Wick (Lyminster crossing), causing huge tailbacks to the north well past the entrance to Brookside. This proposed access road could seriously impact on an already overloaded stretch of road. This will only get worse with the level of road and housing construction in the area for the foreseeable future. If work is to proceed, I would request that it take place during the winter months i.e., October to the end of March in order that disruption and noise can be kept to a minimum. I would also request that restrictions be placed on the times and days that the completed road may be used; I would suggest 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday with no use at weekends.