Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Lynette Regan

Date submitted
3 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sirs, We am writing to you because we (my partner and myself) are deeply concerned regarding the Rampion Extension project that has proposed a temporary access road on the field directly North of our holiday van located at [REDACTED]. We will be directly impacted by this road as our van is sited adjacent to that boundary. We live in Australia and look forward most years to the time when we can visit again and enjoy our quiet retreat on the edge of the beautiful English countryside. Not the parched countryside and endless dust storms and bush fires that we live in, here in Queensland, but pleasant green countryside of England. We also take much pleasure in watching the birds that live in the hedges, listening to their songs, and especially at nesting times feeding their chicks. They will lose their homes and probably their lives. Where else are these poor creatures supposed to go, there isn’t anywhere else. Hedgehogs, (already critically endangered) can often be spotted along this hedge and ditch, water voles, in the marshy area, along with the numerous rabbits and the occasional fox. The hedgehogs in particular would be wiped out by the heavy trucks that are going to frequent this road. Not to mention the dust. Living here in Australia, dust is something we know lots about. We can well imagine how much dust these trucks are going to produce given even a very short dry spell. It will only take a day or two for the ground to dry enough to create a significant dust cloud with each passing vehicle. Dust in chocking, it sticks in the throat and produces endless coughing, it can suffocate vegetation too. For people such as my partner, others who use the park, or live in the adjacent area, already suffering from [REDCATED], this will be devastating. He so looks forward to our time at the park in what is usually an almost dust free environment, and comparatively quiet too as we are far removed from the road and passing traffic. The noise and light pollution doesn’t bear thinking about. Trucks roaring back and forth at all hours of the day and night. This park is a retreat for many people from the city and they are at the park for some serious R and R (rest and recreation) not to be disturbed by ‘bl***y’ great trucks thundering back and forth continuously, their lights sweeping across the park at all hours, this is very disruptive for sleep. The park guests, like ourselves are usually in the park all day, we are all on holiday, not going out to work during the daytime so there all day to enjoy the quiet atmosphere. Noise, and disrupted sleep can have a serious impact on peoples’ mental health and this is even more important than ever as this aspect of peoples lives has been already seriously impacted with the COVID 19 pandemic and the ensuing lockdowns that we’ve all experienced all around the world. Mental health is a serious consideration: Our holiday vans are constructed of quite light materials and we expect that the continuous vibrations the trucks will create will have a significant effect on all our vans. It will shake them apart in a very short space of time we expect. This will not only affect the owners of the individual vans but the owners of the park. If peoples’ vans are damaged then many people are not going to replace them, but just leave them, or try and sell, a very doubtful proposition, and leave the park permanently. This will have a devastating impact on the business which has been going for many many years and where so many people have had so much pleasure. Please consider moving this road to a more suitable and less intrusive location, we’re sure one could readily be found, making life easier for all concerned. Yours sincerely Lynette Regan and David Lillywhite [REDACTED]