Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Toby Chapman

Date submitted
4 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing as the owner of [REDACTED] (WSX122084 and WSX357265) regarding the Rampion 2 draft project development consent order to raise multiple objections and highlight a failure to consult properly. The first point of objection is regarding the cable plan EN010117-000161-2 sheet 32 which shows that Kings Lane will be subject to public right of way closures in two places, with no alternative means of vehicle access to my home which is unacceptable. [REDACTED] is a dead end private road with multiple homes and working farms but has been labelled as a footpath and bridleway which is incorrect and a misrepresentation of usage. The cable needs to be moled not trenched to allow continuous access for residents and farm workers as well as council service vehicles, visitors and emergency vehicles I also object to the supplementary notice of acceptance of a dco plot number 32/13, this is a totally unnecessary as ownership is not required for project delivery and risks residents losing rights of access if used a ransom strip, this additional dco has not been mentioned in any previous communication with residents. The proposed route goes through part of [REDACTED] which will have stables, an indoor school and associated equestrian facilities including fields for grazing. The cable route threatens the use of these facilities as well as the safety and security of the horses which are competition horses and require a high level of care and management. The cable route and its construction need to take this into account for example rerouting into the strip of disused land north of cowfold stream or at least to the very north of the field boundary. Kent street is completely unsuitable for construction vehicles being a quiet single track lane with soft verges and is regularly used by cyclists, walkers and for horse riding. Traffic is already a very significant issue on the A272 particularly between kent street and cowfold, the increase with construction vehicles due to the oakendene substation site will lead to very serious congestion as well as safety issues. Overall the DCO application is fundamentally flawed, there has been a complete lack of due diligence into affected party rights and easements, there has also a been a wider failure to consult properly and therefore no recognition of the impacts of the project.