Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Clair Chapman

Date submitted
5 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a resident on [REDACTED] The planned works for the wind farm are going to have a devastating effect on our home, land and wildlife at [REDACTED] and the surrounding area. We moved here 3 years ago to escape noise and disturbance and the negative effects it had on our surroundings and quality of life. There are many aspects to the choice of route for the wind farm that concern me. We have planning permission for stables and an indoor school, the proposed route cuts straight through where my horses will be turned out, and the new building that will be in that field, but it has been ignored. It will be impossible for safety reasons to turn these horses out or ride in a building with machinery going past. They are competition horses so they can be reactive to noises or movement. It will be impossible to exercise them or ride on the lane or our private road. Also of great concern is the closure of our private lane (marked as a footpath) to our homes. You cannot expect us to be unable to leave our houses or essential traffic to have access. This is unacceptable and unsafe. I understand in other situations you are moling underneath obstructions so why can’t this be done on our lane so that we have still have access ? I understand that there is a compulsory purchase on a piece of land that crosses Kings Lane. This is of great concern, how do we know we will be granted access in the future over this land to reach our properties? To be told that the land and sanctuary we own and neighbouring fields are to be ripped up is devastating. The amount of wildlife that can be seen in the surrounding fields is amazing. I hadn’t heard Nightingales sing until we moved here, the birds are listed as red in UK Birds of Conservation Concern. They nest in the field very close to the route. The meadows around us are filled with an amazing selection of flowers and plants in the summer, I thought we should all be protecting this environment. Undoubtably the ongoing work of Rampion will be detrimental to this. It is heartbreaking. I understand that many of the local footpaths will be closed. There are so many dog walkers here, for myself and others the walking of dogs through the countryside is paramount to mental health. Please understand the importance of this. The traffic that the sub station at Oakendene is potentially going to generate will make the A272 impossible, already the traffic is sometimes stationary at the end of Kent Street leading into Cowfold. The recent closure of the A272 that led to cars using the single track Kent Street, showed the reality that this road is not able to handle any more traffic. There are always dog walkers, riders, cyclists children and runners using it, where will they go ?