Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Cara Cousins

Date submitted
5 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am opposed to this application for the following reasons: Visual Impact and Inefficiency I love the local views to the open, natural seascape that can be currently enjoyed from my part of Sussex – they are beautiful and uplifting. If allowed this application will effectively fence in the Sussex coast and I will have to travel miles away to have a similar open viewpoint across the sea to the horizon. In brief: It is important to focus investment on projects that give the best return in efficient production of energy AND respect local landscapes and local communities. The turbines will spoil the views from the South Downs National Park The turbines will spoil the views from the local beaches and other viewpoints. The large and high turbines (higher that the existing Rampion 1 turbines) will also have a visual impact at night when they will be lit. The combined turbines of Rampion 1 and Rampion 2 will affect almost all of the Sussex coastline – `fencing’ it in. The proposed new, large turbines are simply too close to the shore – only some 8 miles away. They are in inshore waters not offshore which would have placed them more than 14 miles away. This is contrary to Government guidelines. Turbines of this size and quantity should be sited much further out to sea where they can have the benefit of more consistent wind strengths. They should not be located in inshore waters. There are other more productive sites such as in the North Sea, where the turbines can be set much further out to sea to reduce the visual impact and to increase their productivity. Environmental Impact I am concerned about the impact on wildlife and fauna, and on sea creatures. It is wonderful to walk on the Downs and enjoy the beautiful scenery, the local flora and wildlife, and with sweeping views across to the sea. In brief: - Cables being laid from Climping to Bolney will have a detrimental effect on the countryside and its wildlife. This includes disturbing the protected South Downs National Park. - Safe flight corridors will be lost and this will affect bats, birds and other flying creatures. - Disturbance of the seabed will severely affect the inshore plants and sea creatures. 3. Economic Impact In brief: - I am concerned that the loss of open sea views will affect the natural beauty of the area, deterring tourists resulting in a loss of economic benefits that tourism brings. - I am also concerned that our local fishermen will be badly affected due to the loss of breeding grounds and habitats for marine life, including fish, crab and lobster. Benefits? I fear that the adverse impacts of Rampion 2 would demonstrably outweigh the benefits for us and future generations. There is a need for more renewable energy but wind farms need to be located with sensitivity to local amenities and the beautiful landscape of the area, and where they can operate at optimum efficiency. The turbines are located in inshore waters not offshore so the title of this project is misleading. It should be called Rampion 2 Inshore Wind Farm.