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Representation by Steve Mansell

Date submitted
6 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the Rampian 2 project plans DCO EN010117, which I believe will have a devastating impact on the environment, the wildlife, and the local community. I have the following concerns that I would like to raise: First of all, I was not made aware of the formal consultation process until very recently, which I find very unfair and undemocratic. I do not consider that sufficient effort was made to involve local residents. Secondly, the proposed electricity substation development and cable routing will destroy an area rich with important wildlife including nightingales and badgers. These species are protected by law and have a high conservation value. I urge you to reconsider the location of the substation and cable routing, and consider a comparative impact assessment of the alternative plan, that being extending the existing substation site, to lessen the environmental damage. Thirdly, I am very concerned about the use of Kent Street Lane for site traffic. This is not a practical or safe option, as it is a single track road with limited passing points and very soft verges. Recent increased traffic due to a temporary road closure has caused immense damage that will persist all through the winter. The road is also used by pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders, who will be put at risk by the heavy and frequent site traffic. Unlike Wineham Lane, the single-track nature of this route makes it suitable for non-vehicular traffic as average speeds are low, and the natural verges give refuge for pedestrians when cars are encountered. Destruction of the verges, or high traffic volumes would deprive the wider community of this route that acts as a hub connecting many footpaths and bridalways. I ask you to find an alternative route for site traffic that will minimise the disruption and damage to the road and the users. Fourthly, the plans will cut off access for unspecified periods to my family home with no alternative routes for access. This is unacceptable because of the need to travel to work and take children to/from school and general living requirements. No consultation, or detail on what arrangements will be made to ensure that I can access my property without any inconvenience or hardship has been provided. In conclusion, I object to the DCO EN00117 plans, and I urge you to reconsider them in light of the serious and negative impacts they will have on the environment, the wildlife, and the local community. I hope that you will take my concerns into account when reviewing this plan.