Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Clapham Parish Council (Clapham Parish Council)

Date submitted
6 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm Notice Publicising A Proposed Application For A Development Consent Order (DCO) Whilst Clapham Parish Council recognises the importance of wind farms as an alternative source of energy it concerns regarding the onshore route which will go through the South Downs National Park remain as set out as part of its consultation responses in December 2022 and March 2023. Rampion 2 is a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project which will inevitably pose risks to wildlife, flora and fauna, and, whilst we rely on specialists to identify these to avoid irreparable harm, the Council is extremely concerned at the impacts given the scale of the project and the sensitive area through which it will pass, the area of Clapham and Patching, lying wholly within the South Downs National Park. WSCC’s March 2023 response to the consultation process specifically highlighted a ‘notable verge’ within the parishes of Clapham and neighbouring Patching; “Attention is drawn to a Notable Road Verge (NRV) (Nature-friendly road verges - West Sussex County Council) on the south side of the A280 (Long Furlong) in the vicinity of Long Furlong Lane. This road verge supports an outstanding range of butterflies. Twenty species of butterfly were recorded in August 2021, including two notable species, small blue and brown argus. It is noted that access would be required from the A280 (very close to this NRV) should AA-33 be used. Measures may be required to ensure that there is no potential for damage to the considerable wildlife interest of the verge. For example, construction traffic and materials must, on no account, be allowed onto the NRV”. We also understand that there is currently no policy requirement for the project to leave wildlife in a better state then it was before the development but that Rampion has given an undertaking to do so as part of the project. We want to make sure that this happens as part of the DCO application and examination. We are aware that WSCC “has a significant concern over option LACR-01d taken forward by the Applicant. The archaeological sensitivity of this section of the route is exceptionally high. LACR-01d crosses an area of the South Downs which forms part of an incredibly rich and complex multi-period prehistoric landscape of national significance including scheduled Early Neolithic flint mining sites constituting the earliest evidence industrial activity in Britain”. These concerns are also shared by the Parish Council, as previously reported. Clapham Parish Council opposes this application on the basis of the selected onshore option.