Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Sharon Awcock

Date submitted
6 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to say I am opposed to the proposals of this scheme As someone who lives within the village of Cowfold we have not been properly consulted, I only found out about the scheme a fews months back and also I rent a unit within Oakendean Industrial estate and we only found out there back in the summer of 2023. Therefore they are not able to get the correct feedback as they have not informed anyone within the village and therefore hoped to get no feedback. I feel like when asked questions Rampion have misleading and downplayed the real impacts on nature, the local area due to traffic through the village and we already have a problem with regards to air quality and they can say that they have traffic routes that done effect the village but we all know that unless it is policed that the lorry drives will do the own route regardless as they are a subcontractor! The lane in which they have said is a traffic route is not big enough for lorries of that size as is only a single track and a business that want to set up in that area, was already turned down because of the additional traffic within in the kent street road. The Traffic on the A272 is heavy on an every day to day basis and they are always accidents in or around the village especially on the A272, I would assume there is at less one accident a month somewhere in and around the village already without the problems that more traffic and pollution will cause. Traffic lights will cause delays increase in the air pollution on A272 and in the village, which already has a problem with Air Quality already. Visual impacts from A272 at the substation entrance and the huge western compound near the industrial estate Health effects-noise, light pollution, dust, traffic fumes, electromagnetic fields (substation and high voltage cable to Bolney) The infrastructure is already in place in Bolney in wine ham lane so why run cable disbursting nature and country side, admitting all that CO2 admission into the atmosphere by digging up across the countryside to lay cable for a wind farm, this will cause more harm than good. Kent Street, Picts Lane and Dragons lane are not designed for the traffic and the lorries that will need to use them. I have one the the businesses that are located within Oakendene where there will be a large compound for HGVs and storage. This will effect my business and therefore I maybe forced out of the village due to the delays on the A272. This will have a massive effect on nature, loss of habitats and wildlife at Oakendene and along the Cowfold stream, especially the significant nightingale breeding sites and the impact of the noise and light pollution on the species around the lake. The wildlife corridors from the A281 to A272 which will be disrupted by the cable route and substation construction. We now know this is the ONLY site in the whole project where hazel dormice and otters are to be found, and one of the few where there are water voles