Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Chris Page

Date submitted
6 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to formally express my strong objection to the proposed planning application for the installation of wind turbines at as referenced above. While I understand the importance of renewable energy sources, I believe that the negative impact of these wind turbines on our community and the environment far outweighs the potential benefits. My objections are as follows: 1. Visual Impact: The installation of tall wind turbines in our scenic area would significantly alter the landscape and negatively affect property values. It would diminish the natural beauty and character of our surroundings and in direct contravention of the terms of the national park. 2. Noise and Disturbance: Wind turbines can generate substantial noise, which can disturb the peace and tranquility of the area, potentially causing health issues for nearby residents. 3. Wildlife and Environment: The construction and operation of wind turbines may harm local wildlife, including birds and bats, and disrupt local ecosystems. 4. Health Concerns: Some residents may experience health issues such as sleep disturbance and stress due to the noise and visual disturbance caused by wind turbines. 5. Property Values: Studies have shown that property values can decrease in the vicinity of wind turbines, which would have a negative impact on homeowners. 6. Economic Impact: Depending on the project's scale, it could adversely affect local businesses and tourism, as visitors may be deterred by the altered landscape.