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Representation by R G Nash & Sons (R G Nash & Sons)

Date submitted
6 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

06 November 2023 Our Ref: DNB252/HC The Planning Inspectorate National Infrastructure Directorate Temple Quay House Temple Quay Bristol BS1 6PN Dear Sirs, [REDACTED] Rampion 2 response to section 56 Notice I write on behalf of The Nash Family, in response to the section 56 Notice, received in relation to the Rampion 2 project. I take this opportunity to first, give notice of my clients’ interest, as freehold owner of [REDACTED]. It is important to emphasise that the Holding, which is to be affected by the scheme, is not only a farm, but also a family home and business. The principal concerns remain as follows: 1) Business [REDACTED] is a productive, profitable dairy farm. The need to maintain full access at all hours, is essential, in order to facilitate livestock movements, milk collection, the transporting of feed and forage, veterinary emergencies and staff access. It is also important to understand that plans are in place to expand the herd and associated infrastructure, and the proposition of Rampion 2 puts the feasibility of these plans in jeopardy. Mitigation measures to minimise disruption during the construction phase are of upmost importance and early conversations to address and constructively implement such measures are imperative. The nature of the business means that the land and buildings are integral to one another, and for the business to remain commercially viable, access between the grazing land and milking parlour cannot afford to be compromised. 2) Land Drainage Land drainage is a matter that needs prioritising now. The cable route and associated works will undoubtedly damage and disturb land drains. Rampion 1 engaged a drainage consultant from the outset and amelioration schemes were designed and installed ahead of the construction phase. If this matter is not addressed ahead of the works commencing, the damage, and in turn, reinstatement requirements, will last far beyond completion of the construction phase. Alongside the productive grazing platform, [REDACTED] also an extensive area of water meadows. This area lends itself well to agri-environment schemes and is currently included in the Adur River Restoration project, as part of the Landscape Recovery scheme, under ELMS. In conjunction with a number of other existing landscape features, such as hedges and mature trees, the environmental value of the Holding is also prominent. Clearly from both a commercial sense, and an environmental perspective, carefully planned reinstatement works will be essential to both secure the future of the business and to preserve the character and landscape of the Holding. 3) Access It is important to emphasise that the main farm access is a single track road with few passing places and it will not function with both farm and construction traffic flowing in different directions. While access has been discussed, it is important that this is not overlooked. 4) Other Matters I also take this opportunity to reiterate that the converted Sussex Barn, located to the eastern edge of the farm buildings, provides living accommodation for Michael and Gillian Nash. The proposed cable route runs within close proximity of the dwelling and I therefore emphasise that additional sensitivity towards this is essential. The need for more renewable energy, that Rampion 2 aims to deliver, is fully recognised and accepted by our client. In return however, it is asked, as a matter of priority, that Rampion 2 demonstrates an intent to understand the workings and requirements of my clients’ business. As of yet, there has been little evidence of this, and the project continues to impose a great deal of uncertainty and a real threat to the future of the Holding. The Nash family would sincerely welcome constructive discussions that work towards addressing these key concerns and delivering a project that strives to mitigate the level of disruption to their business. Yours faithfully Batcheller Monkhouse