Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Timothy Longhurst (Timothy Longhurst)

Date submitted
6 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I make these comments on behalf of Tim Longhurst who is a directly affected claimant on the route of the cable. The primary concern is that the claimant has an excellent field suitable for development that immediately adjoins Lyminster, however, the proposed cable route will sterlise both the easement strip, and the rest of the field it passes through. We should highlight that proposals to develop this field have been discussed for many years, however, action has been delayed pending the completion of the Lyminster bypass. The bypass is now under construction, which will mean that traffic from the proposed development site will be able to exit onto what is currently a busy and congested road, that suffers from standing traffic arising from the railway crossing. Lyminster is constrained by a flood zone and has very limited areas for construction. The cable will go through the best and most obvious place for residential development. These concerns were raised with RWE at a very early stage in the process, and we recommended that the cable be located on towards the edge of the field in order to minimise its impact. Instead, RWE are proposing to come through the middle of the field which will cause maximum damage to the development prospects. We object to the scheme on the basis that: - RWE have not fully considered the impact of the Lyminster bypass. It did not appear on the route maps and therefore the public were not able to make proper and informed judgements about the cable route. - We have sought a narrower easement strip. We are aware of narrower easements being permissible on the Rampion 1 scheme, even at difficult locations (e.g the field immediately south of the A27 on Rampion 1) on the basis that the field had hope for development. We argue that a similar approach should be taken here. - RWE have not considered the social and economic impacts of sterlising the best development land in Lyminster. Local people will be denied an opportunity for much needed affordable homes. It will also be denied the associated infrastructure and community investments that are often part of any new build scheme. - The proposed easement terms render the development of the land impossible. RWE have not made any attempt to permit the construction of roads, verges, gardens, etc anywhere on the easement strip. We argue that such matters should be allowable and that the cable depth and construction should be specified in a way that reflects the genuine development opportunities and therefore allows the construction of such assets without consequence, delay or concern. - RWE have not attempted to negotiate in a proper manner. There has been reluctance and delay to issuing the easement and option agreements. They have not properly considered minor route adjustments (such as moving the cable to the side of the field) and the planning inspectorate will note that such amendments do not feature in the submitted documents. The easement terms are unnecessarily restrictive and are too generic – failing to reflect on the individual concerns of the landowner.