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Representation by Muntham Farm LLP (Muntham Farm LLP)

Date submitted
6 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

06 November 2023 Our Ref: DNB528/HC The Planning Inspectorate National Infrastructure Directorate Temple Quay House Temple Quay Bristol BS1 6PN Dear Sirs, Mr R Heath - Muntham Farm LLP Rampion 2 response to section 56 Notice I write in response to the section 56 Notice, received in relation to the Rampion 2 project. I am writing on behalf of my client, Mr Robert Heath, to give notice of his interest, in land affected by the scheme. I outline below, the key concerns of the route. It is important to note that Muntham Farm has a number of individual interests, each will be affected to varying extents, along the route. These include the farm business; two equestrian businesses, operated by third parties; a clay shooting ground, let and run by a tenant; alongside a shoot that is managed in hand by Mr Heath, himself. 1) Farm Business Muntham Farm comprises 380 hectares (940 acres) of predominantly arable land. A substantial proportion of the cable is set to run through Muntham Farm, which, in terms of farming activities, will result in significant crop loss, alongside the wider disruption that a scheme of this scale will inflict. It should also be noted however, that the holding has also historically been involved in agri-environmental schemes. The compatibility of these, alongside the construction phase of a project such as Rampion 2, puts the suitability of these in jeopardy. Such schemes require a commitment for a set term, which the temporary loss of land as a result of the project will nullify. While the amended route is welcomed, and will reduce the impact on these concerns, mitigation measures and carefully considered reinstatement works, will remain vital, to keep impact to a minimum. 2) Livery Yard’s In addition to the farm business, two equestrian businesses operate from the holding. One of these is let to Mr Heath’s daughter, and one, to a third party. Both these businesses provide an important source of additional income to Muntham Farm LLP. The noise, machinery and traffic movements generated as a result of Rampion 2, will conflict with the existing use of this area, of exercising and the turnout of horses. This presents safety issues for both horses and owners and is not feasible. One of the attractions of the livery business at Muntham Farm, is the location of the stables. Riding on roads is becoming increasingly dangerous, and the opportunity for owners to exercise horses off road at Muntham Farm attracts business. The proposed route will, on safety grounds, negate this opportunity, meaning there is a real risk that owners will move their horses elsewhere. This in turn will threaten the livery business’s ability to continue, while furthering the loss of income to Muntham Farm LLP. 3) Gun Club South Downs Gun Club operate from an area north of the holding. While the amended route increases the distance between the Project and the gun range, it is imperative that this use is identified, to ensure the necessary provisions are implemented; to both minimise disruption to the Gun Club, as a business, and to ensure the safety of all parties at all times. The rental of the ground to the gun club is another example of diversification for Muntham Farm LLP, and therefore the proposed route poses a twofold loss in income: for both the gun club and Muntham Farm LLP. It must be recognised that in terms of both the gun club and livery businesses, reputation and repeat custom contributes towards their success. The risk of disturbance, interruption or temporary closure, will lead to the loss of custom and have longer lasting repercussions, that extend beyond completion of the works. 4) Shoot A shoot is currently run by Mr Heath each year, situated to the south of Muntham Farm. The proximity of the proposed route to the pheasant pens, will mean that this operation is no longer viable. The pens are located on this part of the holding due to the suitability of the ground cover and landscape. Therefore, there is no option to relocate this activity elsewhere on the holding, contributing towards a further loss incurred by Mr Heath. To conclude, the impact of Rampion 2 on Muntham Farm LLP is considerable. The multiple interests, as well as the length of the route that it is proposed will cross the holding, makes the need for early discussions, to adopt measures that will mitigate the impact of the scheme, critical. Yours faithfully Batcheller Monkhouse