Back to list Drax Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage Project

Representation by Jennifer Mary Shepherd

Date submitted
5 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I can't see that this proposal is a sustainable development as defined in the National Planning Policy Framework [Redacted], since it is not compatible with increasing productivity, supporting communities’ health, protecting our natural environment or improving biodiversity. According to Drax’s planning document, carbon capture will reduce the net efficiency of the biomass boilers to just 28.49% because 28% of the energy generated by each unit will be needed to capture and compress CO2. The real figure for carbon capture and compression could potentially be even higher. By decreasing electricity generation, there is a high chance that this will cause more fossil gas to be burned in other power stations. This is contrary to the Overarching National Policy Statement for Energy’s [Redacted] commitment to reduce energy from fossil fuels. I am also very concerned about the potential harm to human health from the amine chemicals which Drax is planning to use to separate the CO2 from the other flue gases. These amines can form other compounds when they are emitted, including nitrosamines and nitramines which are possible carcinogens [Redacted] . Yorkshire and Humberside already have high levels of air pollution [Redacted], and there is a lack of research into the impacts of these chemicals on public health. Moreover, Drax’s Ecology Report [Redacted] for the project states that this development will lead to the degradation and destruction of a number of internationally, nationally and locally important habitats near the Drax site where ecological surveys found rare and protected species, including orchids, water voles, otters, Great Crested Newts and many species of birds. (And that is before you consider the environmental destruction caused by felling forests in the USA to provide the biomass fuel for Drax. Although I understand this is probably outside the scope of the planning decision's assessment of local environmental impacts, it is surely not outside the scope of determining whether Drax Carbon Capture and Storage can be defined as 'sustainable development'. The government classes energy from burning trees as ‘low-carbon’ and argues that it can help ‘tackle climate change’. There is strong scientific evidence that this is not the case. Hundreds of scientists [Redacted] and environmental NGOs around the world [Redacted] highlight that burning wood is as bad for the climate as fossil fuels and that Drax’s claims that BECCS can achieve “negative emissions” are based on the false assumption that logging, transporting and burning trees in power stations can be “carbon neutral.” [Redacted] I urge you to take note of these concerns and refuse permission for Drax’s BECCS application.