Back to list Drax Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage Project

Representation by Arthur Jarrett

Date submitted
9 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am an individual who is greatly concerned with the serious deficiencies and harms of large bio burners. The Drax scheme is the worst one yet, but is a huge success at sucking in big taxpayer support, while angling via the present application to pull in more. The voracious burner tree magnet will impact biodiverse forests around the globe for decades, damaging wildlife and people living around the process mills, all while worsening climate change. Drax has a false prospectus. "Negative emissions” claims are based on a claim that burning wood is “carbon neutral” but it will take decades or more for new trees to grow and absorb the emissions produced in logging, transporting and burning trees today. The time lags act against urgent remedy of the climate crisis. What of the necessary pipeline and infrastructure to transport and pump CO2 into the sea bed? Does it hinge on tapping into the Big Oil & Gas scheme? Carbon capture is energy intensive, requiring near 30% of energy produced, perhaps up to 40% according to examinations of oil and gas by CCS researchers. A big cream off from the headline claim for Drax output. CCS is beloved of the fossil fuel criminals and government partners. See why - ‘Capturing’ Carbon Won’t Stop the Climate Crisis — It’ll just Dig a Deeper Hole. [Redacted] The era of the great carbon capture fraud is upon us. Ben Oquist [Redacted] The Great Carbon Capture Scam - Greenpeace, June 2022. Drax will use chemicals in scrubbing flue gases. Released by-products, include nitrosamines and nitramines, which are probable carcinogens. The project will have significant impact on local communities and wildlife, as planning documents show the development will take at least 4 years to build. The development will also lead to degradation and destruction of important habitats near the site which is home to rare and protected species. Drax will harm wildlife and human health and prevent genuine climate action by the dangerous & false solution of unproven BECCS technology. While Government chooses to ignore most of the climate impacts of big biomass, I believe that there are strong arguments why this application should be rejected.