Back to list Drax Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage Project

Representation by Dean Bowles

Date submitted
15 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Drax corporation have been burning the world's forests and claiming that it is carbon neutral. Trees that are felled and pelleted then shipped half way across the world have embedded carbon in their supply chain. They may be carbon that is in the biosphere but their replacement trees will take 30yrs to recapture the atmospheric carbon that their combustion releases. Now the work around, blue sky thinking, is to "capture the CO2 and inject it into the ground" so that Drax can claim its part of the climate solution. The Drax corporation, an ex-coal Burning monstrosity, is suckling up vast subsidies that could be used in more efficient CO2 reducing technologies. BECCS is an outmoded mindset that enables those who created the problem to profit from it twice over. The proposed process by which the "captured CO2" is transported to injection sites is another energy costly process that is curently totaly unprovenoven. The capturing of CO2 is also another carbon costly process that may work on paper and in a lab but is unscalable. To my knowledge it takes four times the amount of CO2 to capture one unit of CO2 so its not currently feasible. This dose not ensure that we invest in Drax's "new" iteration that will involve public risk and then private profiteering, why do we enable this one way street to constantly drain the public purse. If you insist that BECCS still lumbers on then in the new round of funding please add the caviat that the public should get a return on their investment commensurate with its as a percentage of the developmentcosts. We invest 80% then we the public get an 80% return from the profits generated!