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Representation by Canal & River Trust (Canal & River Trust)

Date submitted
1 September 2022
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

The Canal & River Trust (“the Trust”) are the charity who look after and bring to life 2000 miles of canals & rivers. Our waterways contribute to the health and wellbeing of local communities and economies, creating attractive and connected places to live, work, volunteer and spend leisure time. The Trust is the Navigation Authority and Harbour Authority for the River Ouse to the north and west of the Drax Power Station site. Our primary interest in this proposal is to ensure that there are no adverse impacts on navigation on the river or upon general navigational safety. The Trust were consulted previously by the applicant under S.42, and provided comments on 19th November 2021. Our comments primarily related to areas marked for ‘Environmental Mitigation’ to the north of the site, which were sited closer to the river. The DCO site boundary extends towards River Ouse towards the north of the site, which is proposed to comprise of an Environmental Mitigation area. We note that the proposed works associated with the main power station itself would be sited approximately 500m from the river. Since this consultation, the proposals concerning the Environmental Mitigation area have been developed further, and the area covered by the works reduced and set further from the bank of the waterway. The relevant area is now shown on the Works Plans (document reference 2.3) as Work No. 6 – Habitat Provision Area. From the information available, we are satisfied that the proposed works closest to the River Ouse, involving the installation/strengthening of hedgerows described in the Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy, should not have a significant impact on the Trust’s management of the waterway. If the nature of these works were to be changed throughout the Examination process, the Trust would want to be kept informed of this as a matter for ongoing consideration. In addition to the comments above, the Trust also adds the following advice to the applicant. The Proposed Surface Water Drainage Strategy (document reference notes that surface water will be directed for use for cooling on site. Paragraph 9.1.3 of the report notes that this arrangement will result in substantially reduced abstraction volumes from the River Ouse, although table 12.2 of Chapter 12 of the Environmental Statement states it will be a minor reduction. From the documents submitted with the application, it does not appear that the applicant proposes to apply for a variation to the existing abstraction licence at this stage. However, should the applicant seek to alter the existing abstraction licence to cover a reduced amount, under section 66 of the Water Resources Act 1991, it would be the Trust, in our capacity as Navigation and Harbour Authority for the River who would need to make that application to vary. In this situation, the applicant is advised to first contact the Trust’s Commercial Water Development Section at so that any changes to the associated agreement can be effectively managed.