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Representation by Northern Gas Networks (Northern Gas Networks)

Date submitted
8 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Firstly, we should confirm that this response is in relation to notice of amendments received by post, dated 3rd May 2023 that informs us we have until 11th June 2023 to comment, whilst this form only as a respond date of the 24th May 2023. We have studied further the plans that are in relation to facilitating wide loads and note on drawing number EN010120-PA-LP-2.7-Sheet4 that the DCO looks to extinguish easements and third-party land rights over land where Northern Gas Networks have an easement for above and below ground gas apparatus at a pressure reduction site. These rights are essential to secure NGN rights to maintain that apparatus and to allow them guarantee supplies of gas to our customers. Hence, NGN would like to raise an objection to this proposal until we have a better understanding of the work required in this area. NGN legal section does have certain concerns re the standard protection provisions that are included within a DCO for utility companies. Therefore with all the above in mind we would also propose a private asset protection deed is completed based on a template NGN hold.
