Back to list Oaklands Farm Solar Park

Representation by David Owen

Date submitted
23 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to express my strong support for the proposed solar farm project in Rosliston. After careful consideration of various concerns and benefits associated with the project, I believe that the positives far outweigh any potential negatives, making this project not only viable but also essential for our community and beyond. 1. Misconceptions About Agricultural Land Use There has been considerable discussion regarding the utilisation of prime farmland for the solar farm, with concerns about the loss of food-producing land. However, upon personal observation of the crops and the nature of the land in question, it becomes apparent that these concerns may not fully align with the actual potential of the land for agricultural purposes. The land, while valuable, may not be as critical to food production as perceived. Moreover, solar farms have been shown to coexist with agricultural practices, including grazing and pollinator habitats, suggesting that land use can be multifaceted and beneficial in more ways than one. 2. The Imperative of Energy Independence The current global and local energy landscape underscores the urgent need for renewable energy sources. Solar farms represent a clean, sustainable solution that can contribute significantly to energy independence. By reducing reliance on imported fuels, the community can shield itself from volatile energy prices and supply disruptions. The proposed solar farm in Rosliston is not just a local asset but a strategic step towards securing a more sustainable and autonomous energy future for the region. 3. Economic Benefits to Local Residents In recognition of the local community’s role in hosting the solar farm, it is only fair that residents of Rosliston receive tangible benefits. A proposal for a discount on energy bills for local residents is a compelling way to ensure the project delivers direct economic advantages to the community. Such a scheme would not only garner broader support for the project but also exemplify a model for community-inclusive renewable energy projects elsewhere. 4. Overwhelming Positives of the Solar Farm The advantages of the solar farm extend beyond energy independence and economic benefits to local residents. Renewable energy projects like solar farms contribute significantly to reducing carbon emissions, combating climate change, and promoting environmental sustainability. Furthermore, the construction and operation of the solar farm are likely to create local jobs, stimulate economic activity, and encourage technological and educational advancements in the field of renewable energy. Conclusion The proposed solar farm in Rosliston presents a forward-thinking opportunity to embrace renewable energy, enhance local economy, and take meaningful steps towards environmental stewardship. It embodies a balanced approach to land use, addresses the pressing need for energy independence, and offers tangible benefits to the local community. I strongly urge the Planning Department to consider these points favourably and support the advancement of this vital project for the betterment of Rosliston and its residents. The question posed by the Rosliston Parish Council are emotional and hugely biased. As a family, we are totally behind this project.