Oaklands Farm Solar Park

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Showing 1 to 25 of 330 representations, newest first.

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  • Alistair B Tilley

    The use of valuable crop growing land for other purposes. Risking food security in the UK

  • Amy Montgomery

    Small rural roads that are not big enough for hgvs and road damage is already bad around the lanes. Noise pollution. Wildlife disturbance. Taking perfectly good farmland that’s used for crops to feed... Read more

  • Antony Cobley

    I do not believe that good agricultural land should be used for solar. I believe this is lazy planning and there is significant building, both residential and commercial in the area, including... Read more

  • Brandon Gupwell

    The local road infrastructure cannot sustain this development and more traffic will cause chaos in area putting risk to emergency services call out times. Also noise and Hgv traffic will increase

  • Carl Spooner

    This is too close to new homes been build, I will be less than 1km away from this location. I’m very worried about noise,lighting and hours of work this facility will have on my door step. Also... Read more

  • Chris Grice

    As the country continues its journey towards carbo neutrality and renewable energy sources Solar is one of the better inland options available. With the move towards EV transportation gaining pace the... Read more

  • Stuart copley on behalf of Copley household (Copley household)

    I wish to be fully informed on how this project will impact me. This area of Derbyshire and its infrastructure is already badly compromised with the HS2 project. I have felt like a prisoner in my home... Read more

  • Councillor Amy Wheelton

    I object to this application based on the bellow initial comments : No Solar on the Best and Most Versatile Land (BMV) and grade 3b - put solar on rooftops not on good agricultural land and food... Read more

  • Donna Scott

    I appose this project, I am concerned of living so close to this. The hum, the glare, the look and any health affects. This should not be put on good agricultural land, there is also traffic issues as... Read more

  • Drakelow Parish Meeting (Drakelow Parish Meeting)

    We are opposed to the development. Solar installation should be on brownfield/contaminated land which is extand locally. • Best and Most Versatile Land (BMV) - loss of good agricultural land is not... Read more

  • Faith Watson

    I am a big supporter of renewal energy, however I do not support this new solar farm, for multiple reasons. The land is prime for agricultural use, and repurposing it for a solar farm could in future... Read more

  • Graham Harper

    This development is entirely inappropriate in this location and is damaging to the local area. Government should not be overriding local democracy who actually know the area and the needs of it.

  • Helen Claire Bailey

    I am parish chair of Lullington and am concerned on behalf of myself and other parishioners about the impacts of this scheme both locally and in terms of its impact on national sustainable food... Read more

  • Jean Cummings

    We are opposed to the development. Solar installation should be on brownfield/contaminated land which is extand locally. • Best and Most Versatile Land (BMV) - loss of good agricultural land is not... Read more

  • John Dolman

    This is one of several applications targeting our Green field sites we need to ensure hat these sites are maintained as productive farm and arable foelds

  • Lindsay Earp

    The Oaklands solar project is a heavily flawed proposal. This is not the best use of quality agricultural land. In times when food production is vital this should surely take precedence especially as... Read more

  • Malcolm (Mac) Cummings

    I am opposed to the development. Solar installation should be on brownfield/contaminated land which is extant locally. There are several similar applications locally which if granted would totally... Read more

  • Mandy Barber

    The heavy goods vehicles that already come up and down walton road and through stapenhill are having such an effect on the environment any more and this will have such a detrimental effect on wildlife... Read more

  • Marie-Anne Dunn

    Best and Most Versatile Land (BMV) - put solar on rooftops not on good agricultural land and food security needs prioritising. Glint and Glare issues from the vast solar arrays. Detrimental Landscape... Read more

  • Martin Silcock

    My opposition to Oaklands Solar Development: 1. Preservation of Agricultural Land: - Ground-mounted solar facilities on prime agricultural land threaten food security and undermine the viability of... Read more

  • Maxine Fackler

    Why are we using land that is good farmland and has rich wildlife for solar panels? There are many units and other large buildings in the area that could be used for solar power as well as land... Read more

  • Nathan Panesar-Grix

    My initial views on the project will include: No Solar on the Best and Most Versatile Land (BMV) - put solar on rooftops not on good agricultural land which includes grade 3A &3b and food security... Read more

  • Samuel Roach

    The existing road network can’t maintain the existing traffic never mind more. The adverse affect in the scenery and wildlife will be severe.

  • Sarah Hopton

    No Solar on the Best and Most Versatile Land (BMV) - put solar on rooftops not on good agricultural land which includes grade 3A &3b and food security needs prioritising. Glint and Glare issues from... Read more

  • Simon Troy Hartland

    I fully support this much-needed solar farm and battery energy storage project which will help with our energy resistance, security and net zero targets. I also welcome the commitment to biodiversity... Read more