Back to list Oaklands Farm Solar Park

Representation by David Llewellyn

Date submitted
28 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Thank you for the effort in my quest to stop the unpleasant development. My reasons for rejection are the enormous amount of size of the project -400 acres so close to Walton village. An odd field is acceptable but 400 acres plus a storage centre = Too much. The storage centre is a sensible site of low measure considering the convenience location to the new power station but not combined with 400 ACRES of value arable land = FOOD NEED to the population. The site of Drakelow housing and all other housing developments around should have all dwellings built with Solar panels to off set the need for the energy source. Existing developments have shown that proposed access and restriction to sites are not adhered too. This will continue with the Solar Panel Develpment. Roads and surfaces are breaking up with heavy vehicle traffic at present causing problems with South Derbyshire Highways economics as it is . Present developers have not kept to planning agreements such as funding a new bridge and by pass at Walton and so will the solar panel developers will avoid their promises aided by the Labour party SDDC planning administration. Constructiion process will cause chaos to area if any other mishap should occur when construction traffic tries to cross the Station Lane bridge crossing as many still do with existing developments The Drakelow ex power station site should have been earmarked for storage and solar panel installation NOT ARABLE LAND! The offer of £55000 payment to local parish coffers is miniscule to the damage to the area costs in repair to the area brought about by needed maintenance . Damage to widespread wildlife will be caused during the long process of construction. Even when the site is / if built it will need invasive security for proposed upkeep. The whole project will bring about the lowering of quality of life to a rural area to Walton on Trent .Rosliston ,Stapenlhill and other locations. You will not see the bods of the developers taking up residence in the area as a result of this development so why should exsisting residents have their quality of life lowered. A community will have a burden of a lifespan stamped on their quality of life and at the end of it the proposed return to the present environment will be a farce as it is so with the Drakelow housing which was earmarked for a wildlife haven once the old power station was exhausted. Thank you again for the opportunity to comment on the registration of this planning application. I have only just seen it on my Outlook email set up which shadows access with it s alphabetical logging. I have probable missed out some of my concerns especially matters of the environment ,but i hope that my efforts of keeping a nice area as it stands within a problem of over population needs of this country.