Back to list Oaklands Farm Solar Park

Representation by Gary Dexter

Date submitted
19 April 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This proposal is unacceptable on the following grounds: 1/ Local roads cannot deal with HGV traffic. They are too damaged already and too narrow to see 2 way traffic against such large vehicles. There will be collisions, injuries and damage to local people and vehicles. Routing abnormal loads through Coton will cause chaos and damage. The potholes are already costing time and money through punctures and wheel/suspension damage. They are particularly lethal to 2 wheel traffic. People, pets, wildlife and property will all be at risk. 2/ Coton and Rosliston have both been cut off by flooding this winter. Adding this solar farm will see greatly increased water run off, worsening the existing pot holes and effectively making our communities islands. Putting the vulnerable at great risk and damaging the ability to do business in the area. 3/ Damage to the aesthetic of our views and our wildlife, will be devastating and long lasting. 4/ The ability to convert the solar farm to housing after they are spent, would massively add to flooding and congestion in the future. 5/ Solar farms are sitting ducks in the evantuality if air or terrorism attack. The chemicals that would be released into the soil and water table would devastate farms and communities. 6/ This development will ensure good quality farmland will be lost forever. Isn't our food important to our national survival? 7/ Why should Coton and Rosliston suffer when Lullington resisted this development? It should be thrown out in this proposals instance for the same reasons. Lastly, you will have noted that I don't currently live at Coton. However, I do spend time here with my partner and will be a permanent resident shortly. We all deserve better than this proposal and expect our way of life to be protected from this development. Thank you, Gary Dexter