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Representation by Derbyshire Ornithological Society (Derbyshire Ornithological Society)

Date submitted
27 April 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The organisation I represent, Derbyshire Ornithological Society, is concerned about the impact on bird life as a consequence of the solar farm development. Specifically 1. Has a suitable Ecology report been produced during the appropriate time(s) of year which documents the existing avifauna and the likely impact as a consequence of the proposed development? 2. DOS would be concerned if any existing hedgerows were removed or damaged/degraded by the development with the consequent degradation of the habitats on site 3. DOS would also like to be assured that any work required by the development would be performed at a time of year which would not impact on nesting birds Derbyshire Ornithological Society are the custodians of the most comprehensive database of bird records for Derbyshire which would include the area of the proposed development, and would expect to be consulted in the preparation of the Ecology Report. Few studies have been completed with regard to the impact of solar farm developments on birds, and therefore DOS would welcome information on the bird monitoring which is planned to take place both prior to and following the proposed development.