Back to list Oaklands Farm Solar Park

Representation by Helen Dartnell

Date submitted
29 April 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to this application on the grounds that it will destroy 400 acres of prime agricultural land, destroy many different wildlife habitats, destroy trees and hedgerows, permanently change our local landscape and destroy views from and of the local countryside, cause traffic chaos on extremely narrow and badly repaired local country lanes, cause more flooding in an area already disrupted by flooding on a regular basis, cause noise pollution affecting every aspect of life in the area, cause light pollution affecting every aspect of life in the area and put us at a great risk of fire from the battery storage, potentially destroying homes and additional areas of countryside and the impact that would have on wildlife. The additional noise, dust, lighting, mud on the roads and vibration will impact on the local villages, potentially causing house values to plumet and traffic congestion on every road. The fencing around the site will stop any aspect of wildlife re-habiting the area once it is complete, the CCTV could potentially impact on our right to privacy and the panels will be visible from homes and roads, potentially causing more danger to drivers and our personal wellbeing.