Back to list Oaklands Farm Solar Park

Representation by Tracy Hiatt

Date submitted
3 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register to remain involved and updated During first consultation programme I went to Swadlincote Library expecting to find a Representative from BayWa re the Librarian pointed me in the direction of a book stand and I collected a USB ! I have subsequently met representatives I am an immediate neighbour and live on farm which boundaries will boarder Solar Farm I am concerned that the scale of this project is on an industrial scale and will destroy rural communities and our landscape Decommissioning stage what guarantees will be in place to return to farm land ? Best most versatile land would be taken away and I fear never returned to the good quality it is now Biodiversity of food for the UK is as critical as housing and energy Why are brownfield sites not looked at first I believe there is an area at Drakelow power station which would be a prime site ? All new builds houses and warehouses should have compulsory solar panals on roof A38 corridor numerous warehouses going up I am not opposed to green energy but question the amount of sunshine to enable full efficiency of solar panals I appreciate they continue to work on grey days but I can count on one 1 hand full sunny days in this area since Christmas ? Should be sited in southern area to optimise sunlight ? Winds are increasing would wind turbines produce more energy area is sited on hills in sections ? What is the life span of a solar panal will they need changing upgrading over a 40 year plan ? Disruption due to construction noise and dirt affecting neighbours to this site Could shields be put in place to mitigate noise and dust where close proximity to residential homes ? How many lorries per day is it over 24 hour period during construction? 2 years Highways lane’s narrow and winding have homes affected by the route of abnormal loads been fully consulted ? Due to low bridges and river crossings have route a38 via Burton Stapenhill Drakelow been fully consulted re daily disruption to our daily lives . Leicester line bridge from Stapenhill to Drakelow narrow and we have to give way to ongoing large lorries vans tractors now Glint and glare for neighbours ? Risk of accidents if vehicle users distracted Flooding in all lanes around proposed site more frequent of late impassable at times in the lanes Bridge floods at Corner Farm where road track is proposed Amenities gas are in this area Corner Farm so how does this keep us all safe when under ground cables are proposed in this area? Solar Farm has National Footpaths I walk these paths and fields of late fields have been saturated and act as soak aways How will solar panals on these fields affect drainage on already saturated fields ? A few months ago this lane was flowing like a river with water flowing down the hills Will water ways brooks ponds in local vacinty be affected with pollution dust and dirt ? Wildlife barn owls bats swollows frequate this area Radiation risk I know little knowledge about this but the scale of this project is concerning National Forest at Rosliston and National Arboretum Alrewas close to proposed site Noise level I believe have been checked as a baseline Will these be checked ongoing through construction and over the next 10 years ? Who do we report to if any ongoing issues?? Kind Regards Tracy Hiatt