Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.
Albanwise Ltd is a corporate entity which holds the property assets, in particular the farming and property business unit assets, for Albanwise Wallace Estates Ltd (“AWEL”). AWEL is a diversified UK...
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Albanwise Synergy Ltd ("ASL") is the renewable energy division of Albanwise Wallace Estates Limited (“AWEL”) and was incorporated in 2020. AWEL is a diversified UK investment group, founded in 1976....
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Breesea Limited, Soundmark Wind Limited, Sonningmay Wind Limited together with Optimus Wind Limited (the “Hornsea 2 Project Companies”) wish to register jointly as an Interested Party in relation to...
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INTRODUCTION 1. Dogger Bank Offshore Wind Farm Project 1 Projco Limited (DBA Projco) is a statutory undertaker for the purposes of the Planning Act 2008. DBA Projco has the benefit of development...
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Dogger Bank D wish to register as an Interested Party in the Development Consent Order Examination for the Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farms (DBS) for the following reasons. Dogger Bank D (DBD) is...
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The East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC are the host authority for the Dogger Bank South Wind Farm Development Consent Order (DCO) application. The ERYC would like to confirm, as host authority,...
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I will be responding on the issues within the remit of the Environment Agency as a statutory consultee.
See attached letter
Hornsea 1 Limited wishes to register as an Interested Party in relation to the Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farms DCO application due to the proximity of the Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farms...
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Outline Construction Traffic Management Plan Volume 8. 2.5.2 Non-Special Order Abnormal Loads Para. 41: Consideration should be given to consultation with National Highways on this matter. 5.3...
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These comments are submitted on behalf of J L White & Son and Butt Farm Caravan, Camping and Glamping site. Out Client’s are tenants of Butt Farm and have occupied the property since 12 October 2013....
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Lincs Wind Farm Limited wishes to register as an Interested Party in relation to the Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farms DCO application due to impacts on benthic features of the Dogger Bank South...
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Dear Planning Inspectorate, Due to the length of our response and the available word count in this box, the Marine Management Organisation will be emailing our Relevant Representation to the Dogger...
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The National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisation (NFFO) represents the interests of commercial fishing businesses in England and Wales. We are registering as an interested party for this project as...
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Please find attached Natural England's Relevant and Written Representations.
1.1 This written representation is submitted on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail) in response to the application by RWE Renewables UK Dogger Bank South (West) Ltd and RWE...
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North Falls Offshore Wind Farm Limited (12435947) is the undertaker for the North Falls Offshore Wind Farm DCO [ PINS reference EN010119 ]. North Falls Offshore Wind Farm Limited wishes to register as...
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Thank you for your letter dated 23 July 2024 giving North Lincolnshire Council the opportunity to comment on the Dogger Bank South Wind Farm Projects. I can confirm after consulting with consultees...
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The following representations are submitted on behalf of Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc (‘Northern Powergrid’) as an electricity undertaker for the area within which the Dogger Bank South Offshore...
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Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited (“Orsted H4”) wishes to register as an Interested Party in relation to the Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farms DCO application due to the proximity of the Dogger...
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Orsted Hornsea Project Three (UK) Limited (“Orsted H3”) wishes to register as an Interested Party in relation to the Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farms DCO application due to the proximity of the...
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Race Bank Wind Farm Limited wishes to register as an Interested Party in relation to the Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farms DCO application due to impacts on benthic features of the Dogger Bank...
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RWE Renewables UK Dogger Bank South (West) Ltd and RWE Renewables UK Dogger Bank South (East) Ltd ("the Applicant") are developing the Dogger Bank South (DBS) West and DBS East Offshore Wind Farms...
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Due to the visual impact of the converter stations at the rear of our property and the deterioration in our quality of life, stress and impact on mental health this will cause we decided to put our...
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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on application reference EN010125 for the Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farms project. The Woodland Trust is the UK's largest woodland conservation charity...
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Westermost Rough Limited wishes to register as an Interested Party in relation to the Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farms DCO application due to the proximity of the Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind...
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Representation by BHP Group (UK) Limited (Company No 03196209) and BHP Billiton Petroleum Great Britain Limited (Company No 00810819), both of which are members of the BHP Group (“BHP”). BHP had a...
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As a resident of [REDACTED] I have found that my house and land is in the scoping area of the onshore development of two converter stations and the underground electric cabling. At the present time...
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Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm has proposed, on a without prejudice basis, to use part of the Dogger Bank South kittiwake tower as a measure to compensate for impacts to kittiwake associated with...
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[REDACTED]are together the Los Trustees representing family owned land on the north side of Beverley under Land Registry title number [REDACTED]. The land is affected by the DBS proposals . It has in...
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Relevant Representation of National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc in respect of the Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farms Development Consent Order (the “Order”) This relevant representation is...
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On behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport, National Highways is responsible for managing and operating a safe and efficient Strategic Road Network (SRN) under the provisions of the...
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The National Trust wishes to register as an interested party in respect of the application for a Development Consent Order for the Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farms project comprises the two...
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Our clients understand and accept the need for transmission capability of electrical power from the North Sea and as agents we have positively engaged with other DCO schemes- for example Hornsea 4 and...
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INTRODUCTION The RSPB supports the deployment of renewable energy projects, providing that they are sited in appropriate places and designed to avoid potential adverse impacts on wildlife. We are...
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Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) welcomes the opportunity to comment on your proposals at this stage of the project. Please note...
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Following discussion the Parish Council would consider the use of any pylons as a major impact and would oppose their use in this project.
We write on behalf of Net Zero North Sea Storage Limited (NZNSS), who is a party to The Net Zero Teesside Order 2024 DCO. NZNSS will be developing the Northern Endurance Partnership (NEP) project...
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The concern that the project will pose a risk to the security of UK energy supply if the design, construction and operation of the project does not address the requirement for cybersecurity through...
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1. Introduction The Wildlife Trusts are a federation of 47 charities, 46 individual Wildlife Trusts and a central charity, the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts. Together we have more than 900,000...
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Yorkshire Wildlife Trust may wish to submit comments on potential impacts to statutory and non-statutory wildlife sites, protected habitats and species, plus proposed mitigation and compensation.
Registered office Warwick Technology Park, Gallows Hill, Warwick CV34 6DA Registered in England and Wales No. 02006000 [REDACTED] Submitted via email to:
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Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust (LWT) have previously sent comments directly to the Applicant (RWE) regarding this application and would be happy to provide these comments in full to the inspectorate if...
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Eastern Green Link 2 (EGL2) is a 2GW HVDC link to be installed between Peterhead in Scotland and Drax in England. The EGL2 link comes into proximity with (but does not cross) the Dogger Bank South...
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Why is the emergency access site to be situated at Ulrome and not Skipsea where the cable comes ashore? It may not be possible to access via the beach depending on weather and tide? What impact will...
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Concerns on on shorecable routing. Map of onshore cabling. Burial Depth and voltage of cabling. Method of cable burial. Disruption to nearby residents.
The Crown Estate requests to be registered as an Interested Party in the examination of the Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farms. Our interest in the projects are that RWE Renewables UK Dogger Bank...
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Rijkswaterstaat, as a representative body of the Government of the Netherlands, would like to stay up-to-date on the developments of this project. Further comments will be provided through the...
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INEOS UK SNS Limited is the operator and co-owner of the Cavendish field, which is located in UKCS Block 43/19a, ceased production in 2018 and is currently being decommissioned. Dana Petroleum (E&P)...
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Ancient woodlands are irreplaceable. They have great value because they have a long history of woodland cover, with many features remaining undisturbed. This applies equally to Ancient Semi Natural...
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I am a local resident of [REACTED] who attended one of the consultation events at Beverley Memorial Hall in 2023. I am particularly interested in the impacts of the overland cable route on Burton...
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First representation: INEOS UK SNS Limited is the licence administrator and co-licensee of 2 licences in respect of UKCS Blocks 43/12a, 43/13b, 43/12b, 43/13c, 43/14b, 43/17a, 43/18a and 43/19d...
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The UK Chamber of Shipping is the trade association for the UK shipping industry, representing some 200 members, operating 900 vessels equalling 18 million GT in capacity, trading around the UK and...
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This project will have a significant visual impact on Residents of Bentley and a detrimental effect on businesses in this location, farmers, campsites etc where the viability of the businesses will be...
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GTR4 Limited (trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind) is formally registering as an interested party with a principle interest in the conclusions of the Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and...
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I can confirm that GTC has no existing or planned utility assets within the onshore or offshore parts of the development area. This has been checked against the company asset map in correlation with...
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Outline of comments that will be submitted by the East Riding of Yorkshire and Kingston upon Hull Joint Local Access Forum. • The East Riding of Yorkshire and Kingston upon Hull Joint Local Access...
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There will be traffic implications at Beeford crossroads during the laying of the pipeline from landfall through part of Beeford Parish. There are already problems with the amount of traffic at this...
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Kellas North Sea 2 Limited operates the Esmond to Trent Wye Manifold gas pipeline located in the area proposed for the DBS West and DBS East Export Cable Corridor. While the pipeline is not currently...
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The Parish Council wishes to register as an interested party. The Parish Council has been led to believe registering an interest at this initial stage is the only means of being consulted at later...
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I have concerns over the equity of distribution of community benefit scheme. Also traffic management on the A1035 needs appropriate planning to mitigate disruption to a very busy road. Concerns about...
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Please see attached document.
MCA will be responding to the ExA on matters concerning the safety of maritime navigation and maritime emergency response. MCA will provide comments on the Navigation Risk Assessment, Shipping &...
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