Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Suzanne Feary

Date submitted
8 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I believe that this development will completely overwhelm the local area with its sheer size and if allowed to go ahead the land lost to this solar farm will never be recovered. While understanding the urgent need to press forward with renewable energy at pace this must not be allowed to be at the detriment of the amenities it is taking away. As the nation is being actively encouraged to turn away from its traditional food sources of meat to remove prime agricultural land which is needed to grow crops is sheer folly. We are also interrupting the cycle of nature the results of which are already apparent in the loss and reduction of numbers in wildlife each section of which plays its part in the continuing success of mankind. No matter how much mitigation is included in the plans it will never replace what has been destroyed. I have never seen crops grown on roofs of buildings but i have seen plenty covered in solar panels and indeed have invested in them personally. This has helped shield me from the current market forces of energy costs. To legislate that all new properties should be fitted where appropriate and incentivise retro fitting is the way forward leaving the land free for what the planet and nature intended.