Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Nigel Burt

Date submitted
9 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am concerned about the shear size of this project, in particular why use arable land, is the storage of energy in lithium battery banks actually safe and do we have the infrastructure to cope with something going wrong with these batteries, is it actually viable to have massive amounts of solar and the costs related to it - what is the ROI, who is paying for this, who is winning out of this project, are the quoted volumes of solar energy actually guaranteed, where are the panels coming from is the source for these actually sustainable, is there a plan B & C if something was to happen that might de-rail the project midway through? Then also the effects it will have on the area we live in, particularly the disruption during the construction phase, do we have the road network to cope with the size and quantity of vehicles and what is being put in place to conceal firstly the construction sites and finally the solar panels as neither are visually attractive and both are far worse than what we currently enjoy. Lastly I would ask what is there in this for the local communities that will be adversely affected by the whole project.