Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Elizabeth Edgar

Date submitted
10 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Scale on an Unprecedented scale for a rural community Impact on local community and local amenities Impact on visual landscape and utter destruction of look and feel of sea of solar panels with 15 years plus to have visual screening making positive impact. Traffic impact - scale, number, entry exit routes and impact on communities and risk to schools, villages. Compulsory purchase orders (not on any pre read documents or consultations) suddenly slipped in. Technology will be superseded and outdated Land designated for wind - scale of impact and land usage v output v wind Food security - % of best and versatile land and utter disregard for knowledge and understanding of quality of land. Impact and integrity of Windel ownership and past record of leadership both on bankruptcy and debtors plus in solar space. Interlock with Chinese owners Association with slave Labour in China for production of panels. Carbon footprint of construction and sourcing of materials. Energy estimated production v actual production - transparency Flooding risk to local residents Irreversible impact on local wildlife Risk of later introduction of scope change like battery storage - get permission then slip in changes without the correct level of scrutiny. Decommissioning - no plan for restoration. Sea level rising over fens and mass loss of BMV agricultural land predicted to be as close as Baston by 2050 a hairs breath from this proposed monstrosity.