Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Jayne Williams

Date submitted
10 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I’d like to make my concerns known regarding this proposed solar farm - Mallard Pass. The first is the scale. It is too big! Whilst not against solar energy I feel that installations should not inconvenience local residents or ruin the rurality a natural beauty of an area. Don’t maroon these rural communities in a sea of glass. The second concern is that it would mean the loss of valuable farmland. We already import too much food and with a growing population we need land to produce crops and vegetables. The third is, what happens after the useful life if these installations. Will it be classed a brown field and subject to massive building development? I should also like it to be noted that those behind the project have not disclosed all aspects of the proposed development such as the compulsory orders needed to install cabling through Essendine and the fact that parts of the accompanying structures would be highly visible from the villages. This would turn rural villages into industrial estates. Finally, who owns this venture? Who are the investors? Will it be a foreign country that owns and controls the energy supply generated.