Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Ryhall Parish Council (Ryhall Parish Council)

Date submitted
13 January 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

Ryhall Parish Council have canvased residents of the Parish who, in the majority, are against the Mallard Pass Solar factory. The main reasons being the impact on the surround landscape with its mass blocked layout of solar arrays. Also the taking out of productive land for food production at a time of food insecurity, also the impact on the natural environment and wildlife movement in the surrounding area. The solar arrays are planned to be sited in many areas in a very visible rolling landscape, close to SSSI sites and ancient woodland. A huge impact on ours and our neighbouring parishes living conditions, increase in construction traffic on inappropriate lanes. In this area, bordering Stamford, the farmland is also being under treat of 1300 housing development. How much more devastation of the our landscape can resident be asked to endure. Many of our resident feel they are unable to fight this application and feel un empowered to have their voices heard, so it is the Parish Council's role to help them be heard.