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Representation by National Grid Electricity Distribution (East Midlands) plc - Withdrawn (National Grid Electricity Distribution (East Midlands) plc - Withdrawn)

Date submitted
13 January 2023
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees
  1. Project Reference: EN010127. Submitted by Osborne Clarke LLP on behalf of National Grid Electricity Distribution (East Midlands) plc ("NGED"). 2. Osborne Clarke LLP act for NGED whose registered office is at Avonbank, Feeder Road, Bristol, BS2 0TB. NGED is the licensed distribution network operator under Section 6 Electricity Act 1989 (the "EA1989") for the area in which the Mallard Pass Solar Farm Order 202* (the "Order") is proposed to have effect. Section 9 of the EA1989 places a duty on NGED as the electricity distributor to develop and maintain an efficient, co-ordinated and economical system of electricity distribution. 3. The application includes land in or upon which NGED has assets which consists of high voltage electricity cables. NGED has reviewed the draft Order setting out the Authorised Development to establish the extent to which their apparatus and interests are affected and has discussed the proposed Authorised Development with the applicant. 4. Whilst NGED has had positive engagement with the applicant in relation to the project, NGED needs to ensure that the wider powers being sought in the Order will not have a detrimental impact on NGED's electricity network and its duties under the EA1989, including ensuring that the terms of the proposed protective provisions are acceptable. 5. NGED is therefore making this representation as a holding objection to the application until asset protection arrangements have been agreed between the parties. No formal agreement has yet been concluded and accordingly we are lodging this representation to protect NGED's position pending conclusion of an appropriate agreement. Once NGED is satisfied that its network is protected, we will notify the Planning Inspectorate promptly and withdraw the objection.