Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Stella Lowry

Date submitted
18 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to express grave concerns about the proposals for the Mallard Pass Solar Farm. I am a local resident. My concerns are numerous, and I have listed them as bullet points for simplicity. · The proposed project is on a massive scale, and its impact on small rural communities will be huge. I am enthusiastic about the development of clean renewable fuels, but not at any cost. The proposed site is currently largely farmland and open countryside. Turning this into a gigantic industrial site will have a massively detrimental effect on the wellbeing of the local population. As a recently retired doctor I am very aware of the benefits to mental and physical health that the local population currently derives from ready access to the surrounding countryside. This was very evident during the covid lockdowns, when we were all conscious every day of how lucky we were to have access to this amenity. Its possible loss is causing great anxiety and fear. · The plans include some elements of “mitigation”, but these are woefully limited and seem like tokenism. Protected patches are isolated from each other and embedded in what will be an industrial landscape. The provision of footpaths through the site is of no value to the population- the routes are not needed for access but solely for recreation, and will provide no enjoyment in the midst of a solar farm. · There will be great loss of biodiversity. Herds of deer roam on the proposed site. Hares are seen regularly and birds of prey including large numbers of barn owls and red kites are common sights. The suggestion that animals might graze under the panels is ludicrous, and the proposed provision of owl nesting boxes is laughable, as there will be nothing for the birds to feed on. Wildflower meadows are suggested, but no plans have been described for the extensive regular care needed to maintain these. Beehives will be empty with no flowers for the bees to visit. · Currently much of the proposed site is under arable farming. Loss of high-quality farmland is a concern, especially considering the current situation in Ukraine. · There are fears that the industrialisation of our local area will have a negative impact on house prices and on income from recreation and tourism locally. · Little information has been given about the security arrangements for the site, but these are likely to include fences, cameras, and security lighting-a major change to an area of open vistas and dark night skies for star gazing. ·I am concerned that the site will carry at least some risk of fire or other hazard, and I have not seen this discussed openly. There is also likely to be an increased risk of flooding in some areas near the site. · The construction process will be majorly disrupting to the local community. The roads serving the site are small local roads and it is hard to see how they will cope with the extra traffic when the site is completed. The impact during construction is unimaginable. I can see no acceptable way in which the proposed farm could be developed without massive harm being done to the physical, mental, and financial health of the local population. Reducing the size of the project or adding more so-called “mitigation” will not resolve these threats. Solar farms have their uses, but should be placed on brownfield sites. Please withdraw the proposal.