Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Tallington Parish Council (Tallington Parish Council)

Date submitted
18 January 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

Stage 2 statutory Consultation. TPC Response – Although TPC recognise that there is need for rapid growth of solar and wind power so that the area and country can become more energy self-sufficient, the TPC do have concerns over the large development of this scheme. There are many factors requiring clearer explanation by the developers. These include – the general large size, performance and location, the way batteries to be used will be stored, bio diversity and loss of habitat, impact on local traffic and transport, impact on recreational facilities, construction issues, potential flooding impact, archaeology and heritage disturbance. A key over-riding concern is the intention to redefine use of a significant area of agricultural land away from food related production. Considerable further re-assurance is required, therefore, by the scheme developers not only to Tallington residents but also to all other neighboring villages to enable our support for this scheme to proceed. Consequently, TPC are opposed to this proposed development.