Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Karen Neale

Date submitted
20 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to raise objection to the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm (MPSF) application. The scale of the proposal is vast, covering an area between 2 and 3 times the size of Stamford as it exists today. This proposal comes at the same time as the Quarry Farm and Stamford North proposed developments for 2000 homes. Having done a sketch overlay of the 3 proposal areas on an OS map (not able to attach here) I am deeply concerned. I am fully supportive of ‘green’, renewable energy but disrupting this amount of ‘green land (one of the reasons we have accelerated our climatic crisis by simply building on green areas rather than utilising our ‘used’ areas) is incredulous. There are many sterile, large scale flat roofs of factories, warehouses, other derelict industrial land, old airfields etc where the siting of solar panels would be genuinely green and renewable by making use of land areas and footprints that we have already disturbed. There are many other reasons why MPSF should be rejected including loss of Agricultural land in a time of global food insecurity, increased flood risk concerns, damage to existing biodiversity and more...... So please reject this proposal, we urgently need to harness solar and other renewable energy but not by disturbing even more green areas.