Back to list Mallard Pass Solar Project

Representation by Susan Tween

Date submitted
28 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish the application submitted by Mallard Pass Solar to be denied for the following reasons: • If this development were allowed to go ahead, it would set a precedent for other similar installations all over the country. • Agricultural land needed for the production of food (now more than ever as the war in Ukraine has highlighted our need for food security) would be lost, possibly permanently. In addition, regular, efficient carbon capture as each annual crop grows would be lost. • I am sceptical about the claimed output of power. The company has not substantiated its claims regarding power output by quoting data from existing installations. • The company have reduced the area of land they wish to develop following their own consultation process. However, they seem to have increased the height (to 3.3mtrs!) to maintain the clamed output. The scale of the proposed development is still mind boggling in both spread and height. • Habitat for local wildlife and local outlook would be lost. The proposed "mitigation" and "enhancement" measures could not possibly make up for the total transformation of the landscape. • I am uneasy about the ethical sourcing of the panels. • I understand that the application is open ended. I have attended a public consultation meeting and the representative I spoke to said that, should the installation still be making a profit in 40 years, they would continue to operate beyond that time. So this development is not limited, but potentially forever! • Even if the land were to become available for agriculture in the future, who would have the skills to work it and who would be responsible for returning the land to its original purpose? Could the company declare itself bankrupt and walk away, leaving local government to clear up its mess? Should this proposal be accepted, at the very least, the company should be required to deposit funds IN ADVANCE to fund the reinstatement of the land.